Friday May 28, 2021
Embracing Hope : After Divorce
Friday May 28, 2021
Friday May 28, 2021
On Today's episode I am joined by one of best and longest friends, Brianna. Brianna and I have known each other since childhood and have seen each other through our darkest times. During this episode, we discuss one of the darkest times in her life. We discuss her toxic and abusive marriage that inevitably lead to her filing for divorce. We discuss how the relationship began, some of the red flags she ignored (and encourages everyone to not ignore), the scariest parts of her marriage, and what ultimately got her out. Brianna shares how she healed from this relationship and the steps she took to get to where she is now. She is currently in a healthy and happy relationship where she feels heard, loved, and appreciated. All things she didn't think were possible when she first left her husband. Brianna also have created quite the following on Tik Tok (and has made it her full-time job) where she helps and encourages women to leave toxic relationships and shares her political beliefs. This is also something she never thought possible during her marriage. She is an incredible example of walking away and finding something SO much better.
Since the entire episode is dedicated to discussing her abusive marriage, I do not recommend listening to this episode if you feel like it will be harmful to you or trigger you in any way. As always this episode will stay up and you can come back and listen to it at a different time when you are more ready.
If you would like to continue to follow Brianna's journey you can find her on Instagram: @its_brianna_m and on TikTok: itsbriannam2.0
As always you can find me on Instagram @halliedoess or email embracinghopepod@gmail.com
If you would like to have your story featured on the podcast you can email me or hit me up on Instagram!
All my love!
Monday May 17, 2021
Embracing Hope : After Diet Culture
Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
On today's episode I am joined by my best friend, Meagan. Meagan is one of my absolute favorite people in this entire world. She has the most genuine heart and it is so easy to be vulnerable with her. A few years ago Meagan started on a "diet program" and we discussed what followed. We discuss the toxicity of diet culture, how diets are meant to fail, finding body neutrality, and finding exercises we enjoy versus exercising to punish ourselves for what we did and didn't eat that day. We discuss an incredible book titled "The F*** It Diet" by Caroline Doomer. I encourage anyone struggling with "dieting" and body neutrality to check it out. This is an incredible episode and Meagan has loads of helpful thoughts and ideas. I hope you find it as wonderful and helpful as I do.
**Trigger Warning** We do discuss the diet program Meagan was on. We never say the name but we do discuss how restrictive and unhealthy it was throughout the entire episode.
If you would like to follow Meagan and her journey you can find her on Instagram @real_meaganred
If you would like to check out the book we discussed you can find it at this link https://thefuckitdiet.com/welcome/
As always you can find me on Instagram @halliedoess
If you would like to have your story featured on the podcast you can email me or hit me up on Instagram!
All my love!
Monday May 10, 2021
Post Mother's Day Special
Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
I had a different episode planned for today. However, I felt like I had some things to say about Mother's Day and creating space for conversations about some of the hurts and pains around Mother's Day.
Please join us next week with my special guest, Meagan. We talk all things diet culture and current beauty standards!
With all the love,
Monday May 03, 2021
Embracing Hope: An Introduction
Monday May 03, 2021
Monday May 03, 2021
Welcome to the first episode of Embracing Hope. I wanted to put out a quick little introduction and hope to see you back next week as I share my first guest’s story! Thank you so much for listening.
If you would like to share your story, you can email me or DM me on instagram.